Micro Combined Heat and Power System for Households (H-CHP)

The purpose of the H-CHP -project is to promote the uptake of Combined Heating and Power systems (CHP) in the region using solid renewable biomass and gasification methods that will be appropriate for remote households.

The Northern Periphery Area has abundant natural fuel resources but is subject to a harsher climate than the rest of Europe and this results in the need for increased domestic energy. Attempts to exploit natural energy resources for households has been mixed, and as a result, there is significant fuel poverty in the region. A key component is the high cost of electricity.

We propose a new affordable solution that uses local renewable solid biofuel in a small-scale micro CHP system.


Markku Kananen
University of Oulu, Finland
email: markku.kananen{at}oulu.fi
Tel: +358 40 559 4969

Brian McSharry
Energy Action Ltd, Dublin, Ireland
email: bmcsharry{at}energyaction.ie
Tel: +353 1 454 5464

We warmly welcome you all to join in our open-source community to develop micro-scale CHPs! During the project, we have been tested steam-, stirling-...

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The Microgen CHP system was installed in a blackhouse, Knock, Isle of Lewis as part of the NPA H-CHP project. The extension to the building was...

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The istallation of household scale CHP unit in the Outer Hebrides os Scotland.


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On 2nd November the H-CHP project team held a webinar for anyone interested in household scale CHP systems. The webinar provided a comprehensive...

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The prototype of the steam-based CHP unit at work. The system contains the steam boiler with a 50kW wood pellet burner producing steam at 16 bar for...

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A test bed was built for commercial CHP equipment based on wood gasification. The CHP plant consists of a 20 kW wood-fired boiler and a 1kW Stirling...

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The sixth H-CHP partner project meeting took place in Reykjavik,Iceland. Pictures show the integrated gasification unit at the University of Iceland...

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This video was compiled by Luke Wilson, Video & Film Production, during our fifth H-CHP partner project meetings which took place in Tighean Innse...

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The fifth H-CHP partner project meeting took place in Tighean Innse Gall, Stornaway, Western Isles, Scotland, attended by all partners. Despite...

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