On this page, you can find H-CHP project resources, such as studies, toolkits, promotional materials and videos.
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H-CHP Newletters
- H-CHP Newsletter 1
- H-CHP Newsletter 2
- H-CHP Newsletter 3
- H-CHP Newsletter 4
- H-CHP Newsletter 5
- H-CHP Newsletter 6
- H-CHP Newsletter 7
H-CHP Webinar November 2020
Project webinar article
Toolkit and Community guide
H-CHP Webinar 2nd November 2020 - Documentation
- Commercially available micro CHPs.pdf
- H-CHP Communications.pdf
- Installation of CHP.pdf
- Evaluation of micro CHP systems.pdf
- How to toolkit and community quide.pdf
- H-CHP Equipment - UO.pdf
- Technical H-CHP.pdf
- Webinar UHI GP Presentation.pdf
H-CHP Workshops for Professionals
Workshops were held in Oulu-Finland, Lulea-Sweden, Donegal-Ireland, Reykjavik-Iceland, Stornoway-Western Isles Scotland. The purpose of our workshops is to raise awareness of Household Combined Heat and Power (H-CHP) and to engage with stakeholders. Professional stakeholders were able to gain an understanding of H-CHP, feed into the programme and support its development. We aim to engage those with an interest in CHP at a household and community level, considering energy production and reduction in the home, use of biofuels, synthetic gas and promote new and current supply chains.
- Agenda.pdf
- Alternative fuels and gasification.pdf
- CHP Example Alpua.pdf
- CHP Renewables Communities Report.pdf
- Combining H-CHP with other household systems.pdf
- Ermen Magnetic Presentation.pdf
- Fostering energy secure communities using renewables and efficiency.pdf
- Fuel Supply Chain.pdf
- H-CHP Electric Power grid options.pdf
- Household Energy Survey Report.pdf
- Optimal CHP in NPA.pdf
- OUAS Test lab.pdf
- Short introduction to CHPs.pdf
- Volter CHP presentation.pdf
- Feedback from Workshops for Professionals.pdf
Test report of the domestic-scale wood log gasifier CHP
The wood log gasifier with the Stirling generator was tested with different types of biomass. The CHP unit produces 20 kW of heat and 1 kW of electricity at the maximum power. It gasifies wood logs and burns the syngas (wood gas) above the hot end of the Stirling generator. Otherwise the system is basically a traditional wood boiler producing hot water for heating. The system installed in the traditional blackhouse in Stornoway, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. It is in a daily base use.
Special thanks to Gerwin Lubbers and Arto Rautevaara for your help and support!
Image gallery
The first test trials of the wood log gasifier CHP unit
The first trials of the wood log CHP unit took a place in Nivala. The customized test rig was manufactured for trials. The CHP unit has the 20 kW heat boiler and the 1 KW Stirling generator beneath for producing electricity. The system is based on igniting gasified wood gas just on the top of the Stirling engine, while the other end of the engine is cooled with disttilled water. At the trials maximum electricty output was 640W at the full power.
Charles Roarty visited Aranmore Island Jan 18 and Louisburgh Community Futures Sept. 18
Summer Time 2018
Thurso Conference May 2018

Tighean Innse Galls’ Brian Whitington addressed the conference, Local Opportunities through Nordic Cooperation, held in Thurso, Scotland on 24th May 2018. His address was on the benefits of H-CHP and how northern periphery area partnership is achieving this. Of interest to the conference was the development of supply chains, and how this will stimulate economic development across the region, in particular to the Highlands and Islands and supply of biomass.